Online application
Working hours:
Mon-Fri 8.00-12.00, 12.30-16.30
211440, Novopolotsk Zavodskoy passage, 32

Our events

  • Event
    08/24/2021 a meeting of the employees of the Republican unitary enterprise "Polotsk CSMS" with an ambulance doctor was held

    08/24/2021 a meeting of the employees of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Polotsk CSMS" with the ambulance doctor of the health care institution "Novopolotsk Central City Hospital" Sergei Yuryevich Aleksandrov took place.
    The event was attended by 18 specialists. During the meeting, the issues of vaccination against COVID-19, methods of combating infectious diseases were discussed, the pros and cons were weighed, the floor was given to both parties (supporters and opponents of vaccination), the ambulance doctor gave examples of the different course of the COVID disease. 19, complications, as well as cases from practice.

  • Event
    On June 19-20, 2021, the event "Weekend Hike" was held at the RUE "Polotsk CSMS"

    In order to improve interpersonal relations, organize leisure time and develop an orientation towards a healthy lifestyle among employees, on June 19-20, 2021, the event "Weekend Hike" was held. Venue - Vitebsk region, Ushachsky district, Dolzhina lake. The event was attended by 16 employees of the company and their families. As part of the weekend hike, a competition for the best angler was held among the employees of the enterprise

  • Event
    The team met with a representative of the Novopolotsk prosecutor's office

    June 22, 2021 The staff of the center met with the representative of the Prosecutor's Office of Novopolotsk - Deputy Prosecutor - Shilko Sergei Kazimirovich on the topic "Anti-corruption and taking measures to prevent corruption violations."


Mauris ut risus tempus, finibus diam et, egestas ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem diam, aliquam eget velit sit amet, molestie tempor purus. Nullam auctor sem et nulla egestas, dapibus facilisis massa porttitor. Suspendisse non ultrices arcu. Mauris ut risus tempus, finibus diam et, egestas ante. Maecenas lobortis malesuada erat ac tristique. Quisque id sollicitudin sapien. Curabitur porta ante quis arcu commodo, non tincidunt augue viverra.

Nulla molestie, lacus quis egestas vulputate, dolor libero molestie dui, vel faucibus sem lorem non dolor. Aliquam id risus turpis. Etiam non egestas augue, eget maximus tortor. In turpis nisi, cursus non velit eu, pretium pellentesque dolor. Nam egestas porta dui et consequat. In finibus in nulla non imperdiet. Sed non massa eros. Donec a lacus massa. Praesent aliquam nulla quam, vitae vestibulum neque dapibus quis. Cras placerat rhoncus dui quis ultricies.

Duis ut ipsum imperdiet, euismod sapien vel, maximus ligula.

Nunc fringilla luctus erat, eu sollicitudin dolor tincidunt eu. Nullam eget sem eros. Curabitur non augue pellentesque, elementum purus eu, convallis orci. Donec at maximus odio. Donec mauris nibh, tempor ac metus eu, faucibus bibendum nibh. Sed dui nisl, cursus quis porta ac, feugiat eget risus. Sed felis orci, pulvinar nec iaculis a, auctor ut urna. Suspendisse volutpat malesuada risus, commodo rutrum magna gravida et.

Instrument readiness
Digital part of the invoice: