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2022 Best Metrologist Competition Announced

The State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology announced the competition "The Best Metrologist" in 2022.

It is carried out with the aim of improving the qualification level, professional competence and stimulating the creative activity of metrologists.

Metrologists of organizations of the Republic of Belarus of all forms of ownership can take part in this competition. Re-participation in the competition is allowed no earlier than after four years. No more than one specialist from one organization is allowed to participate in the competition.

The competition is held in two categories:

legal entities HMS;
An organization submitting its metrology specialist to participate in the competition must submit a letter with a set of documents to BelGIM by May 4, 2022 (characteristic-questionnaire and documents confirming the information specified in the characteristic-questionnaire).

The assessment of the submitted documents is carried out by the organizing committee of the competition according to the following criteria: contribution to the general issues of the development of the metrological service in the organization; participation in the introduction of improved methods and means of metrological services; the general state of metrological work at the enterprise to ensure the uniformity of measurements; the state of rationalization work in the field of metrology and participation in this work of the contestant; participation in scientific and practical developments; list of published articles on metrology issues; other characteristics reflecting the activities of a specialist in the field of applied metrology.

The winner of the competition in each nomination is the participant who scored the maximum total number of points.

The awarding of the winners and prize-winners of the competition is held in a solemn atmosphere during the events dedicated to the celebration of the World Metrology Day on May 20, 2022.

The results of the competition are published on the official websites of the State Standard ( and BelGIM ( Information materials about the results of the competition are published in the scientific and technical journal "Metrology and Instrumentation".


220053, Minsk, Starovilensky tract, 93

tel.: +375 17 363-51-07
